749 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of loop unrolling for modulo scheduling in clustered VLIW architectures

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    Clustered organizations are becoming a common trend in the design of VLIW architectures. In this work we propose a novel modulo scheduling approach for such architectures. The proposed technique performs the cluster assignment and the instruction scheduling in a single pass, which is shown to be more effective than doing first the assignment and later the scheduling. We also show that loop unrolling significantly enhances the performance of the proposed scheduler especially when the communication channel among clusters is the main performance bottleneck. By selectively unrolling some loops, we can obtain the best performance with the minimum increase in code size. Performance evaluation for the SPECfp95 shows that the clustered architecture achieves about the same IPC (Instructions Per Cycle) as a unified architecture with the same resources. Moreover when the cycle time is taken into account, a 4-cluster configurations is 3.6 times faster than the unified architecture.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Modulo scheduling for a fully-distributed clustered VLIW architecture

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    Clustering is an approach that many microprocessors are adopting in recent times in order to mitigate the increasing penalties of wire delays. We propose a novel clustered VLIW architecture which has all its resources partitioned among clusters, including the cache memory. A modulo scheduling scheme for this architecture is also proposed. This algorithm takes into account both register and memory inter-cluster communications so that the final schedule results in a cluster assignment that favors cluster locality in cache references and register accesses. It has been evaluated for both 2- and 4-cluster configurations and for differing numbers and latencies of inter-cluster buses. The proposed algorithm produces schedules with very low communication requirements and outperforms previous cluster-oriented schedulers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Fast, accurate and flexible data locality analysis

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    This paper presents a tool based on a new approach for analyzing the locality exhibited by data memory references. The tool is very fast because it is based on a static locality analysis enhanced with very simple profiling information, which results in a negligible slowdown. This feature allows the tool to be used for highly time-consuming applications and to include it as a step in a typical iterative analysis-optimization process. The tool can provide a detailed evaluation of the reuse exhibited by a program, quantifying and qualifying the different types of misses either globally or detailed by program sections, data structures, memory instructions, etc. The accuracy of the tool is validated by comparing its results with those provided by a simulator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Virtual cluster scheduling through the scheduling graph

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    This paper presents an instruction scheduling and cluster assignment approach for clustered processors. The proposed technique makes use of a novel representation named the scheduling graph which describes all possible schedules. A powerful deduction process is applied to this graph, reducing at each step the set of possible schedules. In contrast to traditional list scheduling techniques, the proposed scheme tries to establish relations among instructions rather than assigning each instruction to a particular cycle. The main advantage is that wrong or poor schedules can be anticipated and discarded earlier. In addition, cluster assignment of instructions is performed using another novel concept called virtual clusters, which define sets of instructions that must execute in the same cluster. These clusters are managed during the deduction process to identify incompatibilities among instructions. The mapping of virtual to physical clusters is postponed until the scheduling of the instructions has finalized. The advantages this novel approach features include: (1) accurate scheduling information when assigning, and, (2) accurate information of the cluster assignment constraints imposed by scheduling decisions. We have implemented and evaluated the proposed scheme with superblocks extracted from Speclnt95 and MediaBench. The results show that this approach produces better schedules than the previous state-of-the-art. Speed-ups are up to 15%, with average speed-ups ranging from 2.5% (2-Clusters) to 9.5% (4-Clusters).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Flexible compiler-managed L0 buffers for clustered VLIW processors

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    Wire delays are a major concern for current and forthcoming processors. One approach to attack this problem is to divide the processor into semi-independent units referred to as clusters. A cluster usually consists of a local register file and a subset of the functional units, while the data cache remains centralized. However, as technology evolves, the latency of such a centralized cache increase leading to an important performance impact. In this paper, we propose to include flexible low-latency buffers in each cluster in order to reduce the performance impact of higher cache latencies. The reduced number of entries in each buffer permits the design of flexible ways to map data from L1 to these buffers. The proposed L0 buffers are managed by the compiler, which is responsible to decide which memory instructions make us of them. Effective instruction scheduling techniques are proposed to generate code that exploits these buffers. Results for the Mediabench benchmark suite show that the performance of a clustered VLIW processor with a unified L1 data cache is improved by 16% when such buffers are used. In addition, the proposed architecture also shows significant advantages over both MultiVLIW processors and clustered processors with a word-interleaved cache, two state-of-the-art designs with a distributed L1 data cache.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A unified modulo scheduling and register allocation technique for clustered processors

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    This work presents a modulo scheduling framework for clustered ILP processors that integrates the cluster assignment, instruction scheduling and register allocation steps in a single phase. This unified approach is more effective than traditional approaches based on sequentially performing some (or all) of the three steps, since it allows optimizing the global code generation problem instead of searching for optimal solutions to each individual step. Besides, it avoids the iterative nature of traditional approaches, which require repeated applications of the three steps until a valid solution is found. The proposed framework includes a mechanism to insert spill code on-the-fly and heuristics to evaluate the quality of partial schedules considering simultaneously inter-cluster communications, memory pressure and register pressure. Transformations that allow trading pressure on a type of resource for another resource are also included. We show that the proposed technique outperforms previously proposed techniques. For instance, the average speed-up for the SPECfp95 is 36% for a 4-cluster configuration.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hardware/software codesign methodology for fuzzy controller implementation

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    This paper describes a HW/SW codesign methodology for the implementation of fuzzy controllers on a platform composed by a general-purpose microcontroller and specific processing elements implemented on FPGAs or ASICs. The different phases of the methodology, as well as the CAD tools used in each design stage, are presented, with emphasis on the fuzzy system development environment Xfuzzy. Also included is a practical application of the described methodology for the development of a fuzzy controller for a dosage system

    Smart memory management through locality analysis

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    Las memorias caché fueron incorporadas en los microprocesadores ya desde los primeros tiempos, y representan la solución más común para tratar la diferencia de velocidad entre el procesador y la memoria. Sin embargo, muchos estudios señalan que la capacidad de almacenamiento de la caché es malgastada muchas veces, lo cual tiene un impacto directo en el rendimiento del procesador. Aunque una caché está diseñada para explotar diferentes tipos de localidad, todas la referencias a memoria son tratadas de la misma forma, ignorando comportamientos particulares de localidad. El uso restringido de la información de localidad para cada acceso a memoria puede limitar la eficiencia de la cache. En esta tesis se demuestra como un análisis de localidad de datos puede ayudar al investigador a entender dónde y porqué ocurren los fallos de caché, y proponer entonces diferentes técnicas que hacen uso de esta información con el objetivo de mejorar el rendimiento de la memoria caché. Proponemos técnicas en las cuales la información de localidad obtenida por el analizador de localidad es pasada desde el compilador al hardware a través del ISA para guiar el manejo de los accesos a memoria.Hemos desarrollado un análisis estático de localidad de datos. Este análisis está basado en los vectores de reuso y contiene los tres típicos pasos: reuso, volumen y análisis de interferencias. Comparado con trabajos previos, tanto el análisis de volúmenes como el de interferencias ha sido mejorado utilizando información de profiling así como un análisis de interferencias más preciso. El analizador de localidad de datos propuesto ha sido incluido como un paso más en un compilador de investigación. Los resultados demuestran que, para aplicaciones numéricas, el análisis es muy preciso y el overhead de cálculo es bajo. Este análisis es la base para todas las otras partes de la tesis. Además, para algunas propuestas en la última parte de la tesis, hemos usado un análisis de localidad de datos basado en las ecuaciones de fallos de cache. Este análisis, aunque requiere más tiempo de cálculo, es más preciso y más apropiado para cachés asociativas por conjuntos. El uso de dos análisis de localidad diferentes también demuestra que las propuestas arquitectónicas de esta tesis son independientes del análisis de localidad particular utilizado.Después de mostrar la precisión del análisis, lo hemos utilizado para estudiar el comportamiento de localidad exhibido por los programas SPECfp95. Este tipo de análisis es necesario antes de proponer alguna nueva técnica ya que ayuda al investigador a entender porqué ocurren los fallos de caché. Se muestra que con el análisis propuesto se puede estudiar de forma muy precisa la localidad de un programa y detectar donde estan los "puntos negros" así como la razón de estos fallos en cache. Este estudio del comportamiento de localidad de diferentes programas es la base y motivación para las diferentes técnicas propuestas en esta tesis para mejorar el rendimiento de la memoria.Así, usando el análisis de localidad de datos y basándonos en los resultados obtenidos después de analizar el comportamiento de localidad de un conjunto de programas, proponemos utilizar este análisis con el objetivo de guiar tres técnicas diferentes: (i) manejo de caches multimódulo, (ii) prebúsqueda software para bucles con planificación módulo, y (iii) planificación de instrucciones de arquitecturas VLIW clusterizadas.El primer uso del análisis de localidad propuesto es el manejo de una novedosa organización de caché. Esta caché soporta bypass y/o está compuesta por diferentes módulos, cada uno orientado a explotar un tipo particular de localidad. La mayor diferencia de esta caché con respecto propuestas previas es que la decisión de "cachear" o no, o en qué módulo un nuevo bloque es almacenado, está controlado por algunos bits en las instrucciones de memoria ("pistas" de localidad). Estas "pistas" (hints) son fijadas en tiempo de compilación utilizando el análisis de localidad propuesto. Así, la complejidad del manejo de esta caché se mantiene bajo ya que no requiere ningún hardware adicional. Los resultados demuestran que cachés más pequeñas con un manejo más inteligente pueden funcionar tan bien (o mejor) que cachés convencionales más grandes.Hemos utilizado también el análisis de localidad para estudiar la interacción entre la segmentación software y la prebúsqueda software. La segmentación software es una técnica muy efectiva para la planificación de código en bucles (principalmente en aplicaciones numéricas en procesadores VLIW). El esquema más popular de prebúsqueda software se llama planificación módulo. Muchos trabajos sobre planificación módulo se pueden encontrar en la literatura, pero casi todos ellos consideran una suposición crítica: consideran un comportamiento optimista de la cache (en otras palabras, usan siempre la latencia de acierto cuando planifican instrucciones de memoria). Así, los resultados que presentan ignoran los efectos del bloqueo debido a dependencias con instrucciones de memoria. En esta parte de la tesis mostramos que esta suposición puede llevar a planificaciones cuyo rendimiento es bastante más bajo cuando se considera una memoria real. Nosotros proponemos un algoritmo para planificar instrucciones de memoria en bucles con planificación módulo. Hemos estudiado diferentes estrategias de prebúsqueda software y finalmente hemos propuesto un algoritmo que realiza prebúsqueda basándose en el análisis de localidad y en la forma del grafo de dependencias del bucle. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el esquema propuesto mejora el rendimiento de las otras heurísticas ya que obtiene un mejor compromiso entre tiempo de cálculo y de bloqueo.Finalmente, el último uso del análisis de localidad estudiado en esta tesis es para guiar un planificador de instrucciones para arquitecturas VLIW clusterizadas. Las arquitecturas clusterizadas están siendo una tendencia común en el diseño de procesadores empotrados/DSP. Típicamente, el núcleo de estos procesadores está basado en un diseño VLIW el cual particiona tanto el banco de registros como las unidades funcionales. En este trabajo vamos un paso más allá y también hacemos la partición de la memoria caché. En este caso, tanto las comunicaciones entre registros como entre memorias han de ser consideradas. Nosotros proponemos un algoritmo que realiza la partición del grafo así como la planificación de instrucciones en un único paso en lugar de hacerlo secuencialmente, lo cual se demuestra que es más efectivo. Este algoritmo es mejorado añadiendo una análisis basado en las ecuaciones de fallos de cache con el objetivo de guiar en la planificación de las instrucciones de memoria para reducir no solo comunicaciones entre registros, sino también fallos de cache.Cache memories were incorporated in microprocessors in the early times and represent the most common solution to deal with the gap between processor and memory speeds. However, many studies point out that the cache storage capacity is wasted many times, which means a direct impact in processor performance. Although a cache is designed to exploit different types of locality, all memory references are handled in the same way, ignoring particular locality behaviors. The restricted use of the locality information for each memory access can limit the effectivity of the cache. In this thesis we show how a data locality analysis can help the researcher to understand where and why cache misses occur, and then to propose different techniques that make use of this information in order to improve the performance of cache memory. We propose techniques in which locality information obtained by the locality analyzer is passed from the compiler to the hardware through the ISA to guide the management of memory accesses.We have developed a static data locality analysis. This analysis is based on reuse vectors and performs the three typical steps: reuse, volume and interfere analysis. Compared with previous works, both volume and interference analysis have been improved by using profile information as well as a more precise inter-ference analysis. The proposed data locality analyzer has been inserted as another pass in a research compiler. Results show that for numerical applications the analysis is very accurate and the computing overhead is low. This analysis is the base for all other parts of the thesis. In addition, for some proposals in the last part of the thesis we have used a data locality analysis based on cache miss equations. This analysis, although more time consuming, is more accurate and more appropriate for set-associative caches. The usage of two different locality analyzers also shows that the architectural proposals of this thesis are independent from the particular locality analysis.After showing the accuracy of the analysis, we have used it to study the locality behavior exhibited by the SPECfp95 programs. This kind of analysis is necessary before proposing any new technique since can help the researcher to understand why cache misses occur. We show that with the proposed analysis we can study very accurately the locality of a program and detect where the hot spots are as well as the reason for these misses. This study of the locality behavior of different programs is the base and motivation for the different techniques proposed in this thesis to improve the memory performance.Thus, using the data locality analysis and based on the results obtained after analyzing the locality behavior of a set of programs, we propose to use this analysis in order to guide three different techniques: (i) management of multi-module caches, (ii) software prefetching for modulo scheduled loops, and (iii) instruction scheduling for clustered VLIW architectures.The first use of the proposed data locality analysis is to manage a novel cache organization. This cache supports bypassing and/or is composed of different modules, each one oriented to exploit a particular type of locality. The main difference of this cache with respect to previous proposals is that the decision of caching or not, or in which module a new fetched block is allocated is managed by some bits in memory instructions (locality hints). These hints are set at compile time using the proposed locality analysis. Thus, the management complexity of this cache is kept low since no additional hardware is required. Results show that smaller caches with a smart management can perform as well as (or better than) bigger conventional caches.We have also used the locality analysis to study the interaction between software pipelining and software prefetching. Software pipelining has been shown to be a very effective scheduling technique for loops (mainly in numerical applications for VLIW processors). The most popular scheme for software pipelining is called modulo scheduling. Many works on modulo scheduling can be found in the literature, but almost all of them make a critical assumption: they consider an optimistic behavior of the cache (in other words, they use the hit latency when a memory instruction is scheduled). Thus, the results they present ignore the effect of stalls due to dependences with memory instructions. In this part of the thesis we show that this assumption can lead to schedules whose performance is rather low when a real memory is considered. Thus, we propose an algorithm to schedule memory instructions in modulo scheduled loops. We have studied different software prefetching strategies and finally proposed an algorithm that performs prefetching based on the locality analysis and the shape of the loop dependence graph. Results obtained shows that the proposed scheme outperforms other heuristic approaches since it achieves a better trade-off between compute and stall time than the others. Finally, the last use of the locality analysis studied in this thesis is to guide an instruction scheduler for a clustered VLIW architecture. Clustered architectures are becoming a common trend in the design of embedded/DSP processors. Typically, the core of these processors is based on a VLIW design which partitionates both register file and functional units. In this work we go a step beyond and also make a partition of the cache memory. Then, both inter-register and inter-memory communications have to be taken into account. We propose an algorithm that performs both graph partition and instruction scheduling in a single step instead of doing it sequentially, which is shown to be more effective. This algorithm is improved by adding an analysis based on the cache miss equations in order to guide the scheduling of memory instructions in clusters with the aim of reducing not only inter-register communications, but also cache misses

    Gestión del conocimiento y práctica docente en instituciones educativas estatales del distrito de Huaral, UGEL N° 10 – 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo general: Determinar la relación entre la gestión del conocimiento y la práctica docente en instituciones educativas estatales del distrito de Huaral, UGEL N° 10 – 2016; las variables que se emplearon fueron: gestión del conocimiento y práctica docente. El tipo de investigación es básica de enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental de corte transversal, correlacional. La población estuvo conformada por 322 docentes de las instituciones educativas estatales de la UGEL N° 10 de la ciudad del distrito de Huaral, una muestra de 115 docentes y el muestreo probabilístico. Se aplicó dos cuestionario: Gestión del conocimiento y Práctica docente, ambos constituidos por 35 preguntas en la escala de Likert (Nunca, Casi nunca, A veces, Casi siempre y Siempre), validados a juicio de expertos y sometido a prueba de confiabilidad. El método de investigación empleado fue el hipotético-deductivo y el tratamiento de la información se llevó a cabo en el programa estadístico SPSS 22 para la base de datos. Los resultados se presentan gráfica y textualmente llegando a la conclusión que existe una relación directa y significativa (p = 0,000 < 0.05) entre gestión del conocimiento y práctica docente de las instituciones educativas estatales de la UGEL N° 10 de la ciudad del distrito de Huaral, con un coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman = 0,674 siendo ésta una correlación moderada entre las variables. Por lo que se puede afirmar que a mejor gestión del conocimiento, mejor práctica docente